Outdoor Classroom Day
On the day, thousands of schools around the world take lessons outdoors and prioritize playtime and learning through experience. In 2019, over 3.5 million children worldwide took part in this massive organization. As a part of a prestigious school with the aim of improving the quality of education, we carried out some outdoor activities to encourage and boost a better use of existing resources for learning, and to enhance the environment within which learning takes place.
We helped students to connect with nature, become more active, learn outdoors and have fun. Our team has worked tirelessly across the school to bring outdoor learning to as many students as possible. I think it is essential for each educator to see the key milestones in this journey to raise new and savior generations. Experience in outdoor areas not only teaches critical life skills such as time management, decision making, teamwork and creativity, yet is central to children’s enjoyment of childhood and youth.
Our 9 Graders took part in a special letter-writing activity to celebrate this ravishing day. What’s special about this activity? The letters they wrote will be delivered to themselves in the future, and the jar including our students’ letters will be opened four years later, in 2022 when they are about to graduate from high school and get ready for their university education. While burying the Dear Future Me Letters Jar, we wanted to have some fun and make the world a greener, more environmentally-friendly place, and we buried the jar with exploding balls of seeds that are both fun to throw and an easy way to grow native wildflowers.
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein